Monday, October 28, 2019

The Irony of Faith

In a relationship
Having faith in yourself,
in your lover,
and in the in the union itself
wouldn't keep the relationship alive
as long as the lovers don't have faith in themselves.

Their lack of faith will snowball,
roll, got stuck,
roll around some more, hitting another part of the relationship
until it spreads itself everywhere.
Cancerous, growing, lurking

(You're a human with your own free will)

If you're somehow lucky
it will pass within your eyesight; open.
Both of you will be able to stop it.
(Continue to point A if you choose this path)


If the pain felt deserved,
it will get bigger with deceit and white lies; hidden.
Lies that are not so white at this point.
(Continue to point B if you choose this path)

Scars and chipped crooked teeth

I heard, from who I once deemed as a wise man 
"In a relationship, the burden of one is a shared burden.
So is the happiness "
Relationship was never about power and taking
It has always been about loving and giving
As we human often heard 
"The one who care less is the one who holds more power in a relationship.
But happiness doesn't equate to power.
And happiness comes from caring more about the person you love,
not less."

My child, sometimes no matter how much you give, hope, and bend yourself
Or how much tears you shed saying "It isn't supposed to be this way"
The ache would still hold your hope by the throat, saying
 "But it is what it is."
My dear, you give every excuses a name, exhaust yourself to the bone  
But who would take care of you once they seized all the life out of you?
Done with deceit and lies,
off with their mask, acting as if betrayal is part of your faith?
When the time comes,
Who would save you when you question your worth?

In a commitment, communicate.
Strip yourself naked, bare your fear, ego, and parts of you you're still refusing to clap for.

Because humans have been nothing but cruel, but the World has been nothing but giving. 
When She collides your path with a loved one, take this as a blessing.

In a relationship, show oneself.
To see them the way you want to be seen, all battle scars and victories.

Because in the world where everyone worship personal gain, 
the worst thing you could do to someone who has faith in you is to rob them off of their belief. 


In you truly love them, put down your mask.
You owe it to yourself.
You owe it to the one you love.

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